Welcome to the homepage of the Department of Microbiology
Our laboratory, which was launched in September 2022, mainly studies respiratory viruses such as coronaviruses and influenza viruses, with a focus on paramyxoviruses. We aim to contribute to society by elucidating the molecular mechanisms of viral diseases. We also aim to contribute to the state-of-art medicine by developing new technologies related to recombinant virus vectors. If you are interested in viral infectious diseases or cutting-edge technologies using virus vectors, please feel free to contact us.
Article about our laboratory: Journal 'Uirus (in Japanese)' published in June 2024
News & Topics
Mechanisms of paramyxovirus replication - Interactions with host factors.
We study disease-causing mechanisms by searching for host factors required for paramyxoviruses such as mumps virus to multiply in cells and by clarifying their interactions with factors on the viral side.
Mechanism of Activation of Respiratory Viruses by Host Proteases
Many viruses have protein spikes (spike proteins) on the surface of their particles. We have shown that the spike proteins of various respiratory viruses are activated by a protease called TMPRSS2 in host cells.
Development and applied research on paramyxovirus vectors (e.g. development of nipah virus vaccines, development of vectors for regenerative medicine and cancer therapy)
Paramyxoviruses are used as viral vectors for gene therapy, cancer therapy, and vaccine development. We are conducting research on the development of various viral vectors for clinical applications.We are willing to accept collaborations and other research projects.
illustration by tutsi925@123RF